Friday, February 18, 2011

Maredsous 10 Tripel by Duvel Moortgat

Maredsous 10 Tripel. Duvel Moortgat. Breendonk-Puurs, Belgium.

Winter 2010/2011.

My review on RateBeer:

AHTOH (41) - San Diego, USA - FEB 16, 2011

33 cL bottle poured into Maredsous chalice. Drank 2/15/11. Best before: 02/2013.

APPEARANCE: Pours a very beautiful deep orange gold with a hint of burnt orange hue to it. Off-white cream colored head is about 2 fingers with some chunky foam rising above the rim. Head duration is medium length. Most of head eventually settles, though leaves nice amount of foam on surface – much more than simply a thin layer of film like some other Belgian ales. Plentiful Belgian lace. Champagne-like effervescence – with carbonation trails all throughout the beer, instead of just at center or around the edge of the glass like most ales.

AROMA: Belgian yeast, some spice, and vinous aroma – much more vinous/sour grape scent than most Belgian triples. Faint hop scent hidden behind other aromas, though difficult to determine more specific hop characteristics. Extremely faint grape bubblegum. Some alcohol on nose as well.

TASTE: Belgian yeast and spice on front of palate. Subtle citrus and floral notes on front of palate as well. Mid palate is some vegetable and subtle grainy caramel malt. Back of palate and finish is alcohol.

MOUTH FEEL: Highly carbonated. Quite dry. Drinks like champagne.

OVERALL: Alcohol dominates over body. Difficult to drink. Far from quaffable. Others may enjoy, though, personally doubt will buy this beer again. Too champagne-like.

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