Monday, February 21, 2011

Collaboration Not Litigation by Avery

Collaboration Not Litigation. Batch 4 (February 2010) - 8.91% ABV. Blend of 2 Belgian strong ales - both named Salvation - 1 by Russian River and 1 by Avery. Brewed at Avery. Boulder, Colorado.

Winter 2010/2011.

My review on RateBeer:

AHTOH (44) - San Diego, USA - FEB 21, 2011

Bomber. Batch #4. Bottled in February 2010. Drank February 20, 2011. Poured into Duvel tulip.

APPEARANCE: Pours a deep burnt orange with a slight ruby hue. Nice head is about 2 fingers, light tan/khaki colored, and has medium duration. Head settles, leaving some lacing as well as layer of foam film and bubbles on surface.

AROMA: Belgian yeast, currants, spices, cereal. Some clove-honey malt backbone. Some sour grape. Faint hint of smokiness as well as lactic character. Cereal in the aroma combined with the subtle hint of smoke imparts a scent that is like lightly roasted cereal. Aroma has some similarities to a higher abv equivalent of Bavarian hefe - with its notes of clove and banana.

TASTE: Front of palate has a sour character to it; though something about it is less pleasant than other sours (and I do enjoy sours). Faint hint of sour dark berries on front of palate. Mid palate is Belgian yeast as well as spice. Back of palate is cereal and slight cardboard taste. Some spice on back of palate as well. Finish is very Bavarian-hefe-like with notes of clove and banana. Some faint bitterness on finish as well.

MOUTH FEEL: Much more syrupy than expected for the style. Above average carbonation.

OVERALL: Has some similarities to a Bavarian hefe; in addition to a handful of other aroma/flavor notes, being higher in abv, and having a slight lactic character. Wanted to like it because I have enjoyed plenty of Belgian-style/sour beer from Russian River, however, it is lacking. Cereal becomes increasingly discernable in the taste as it warms up. Most prominent characteristics: cereal, syrup, and sour.

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