Monday, February 14, 2011

Duvel Tripel Hop by Duvel Moortgat

Duvel Tripel Hop. Belgian Triple. Duvel Moortgat. Breendonk-Puurs, Belgium.

Winter 2010/11.

My review on RateBeer:

AHTOH (39) - San Diego, California, USA - FEB 14, 2011

750 mL bottle. Brewed May 18, 2010. Opened February 11, 2011. Poured into Duvel tulip.

APPEARANCE: Massive white head: 4+ fingers, rocky foam above the rim, long duration. Head eventually settles in an extremely uneven fashion; with the chunks of foam taking on various shapes and sizes. Abundance of Belgian lace that sticks to glass as if stuck on with glue. Body pours pale straw yellow; almost like a pilsner. Lighter color body than most triples. Carbonation trail is extremely rapid, thick, and rises predominately from bottom of center of glass.

AROMA: Belgian yeast is predominant; this characteristic is like a combination of sweet aroma and a slightly vinegary scent – it is very pleasant. Plenty of noble hops. Floral sweet malt that is perfume-like. Some cereal-like grain. Subtle earthiness that is pleasant.

TASTE: Front of palate is grassy hops, some citrus hops, and Belgian yeast. Slight sweet and tangy taste on front of palate as well. Mid palate is slightly dry grain, cereal, and wet hay. Back of palate is malt sweetness and more Belgian yeast. Finish is characterized by some light bitterness and some alcohol warmth.

MOUTH FEEL: Extremely crisp; appears much more crisp than regular Duvel. Plenty of carbonation. Some alcohol warmth.

OVERALL: Clean, crisp, and smooth. Delightful taste and aroma. Drinks like a stronger and more hopped Duvel Green than a stronger and more hopped regular Duvel. As outstanding as it is, I can see why many people find regular Duvel slightly more preferable, especially given the price point. Although mouth feel is clean and smooth, the degree of alcohol warmth hinders the overall palate from being even better. Alcohol warmth could have been masked better by a slightly more robust body.

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