Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Corne du Diable by Dieu du Ciel

Corne du Diable (French for "Horn of the devil"). "American-style IPA." Dieu du Ciel. Montreal, Canada.

Winter 2010/11.

AHTOH (26) - San Diego, California, USA - JAN 12, 2011

11.5 ounce bottle poured into Duvel tulip.

APPEARANCE: Deep copper. Much darker than most west coast IPAs. Darkest ’standard’ IPA (ie, without it being specified as a red IPA, black IPA, double IPA, etc.) have had to date. Quite hazy. Head diminishes fairly quickly, leaving only thin film of spotty white residual foam.

AROMA: Resinous hops, some earthy hops, and large does of caramel malt. Some raisin on nose. Faint hint of vegetable aromas. Aroma well-balanced and somewhat simple.

TASTE: Grassy hops throughout. Resinous bitterness. Less than expected caramel malty sweetness based on the color and aroma. Subtle citrus taste atop floral sweetness on mid palate. Hint of graininess on back of palate. Lasting bitter finish.

MOUTH FEEL: Medium bodied. Nice amount of carbonation. Semi-dry finish.

OVERALL: An average IPA that is darker than most west coast IPAs, and with a taste that is fairly straight-forward and simple, rather than complex. Although drank a couple days after purchasing at Pizza Port Carlsbad’s Bottle Shop, it may have sat around a while on its way from Quebec to San Diego, hindering its full potential.

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